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Words from Graduates

SO Yuen Chit

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing​​

Reflecting on my unique and special years of learning, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable knowledge and countless memorable experiences I gained at HSUHK. Throughout my computing degree, HSUHK effectively exposed me to a diverse range of domains, from frontend and backend development to UI/UX and AI. From a starting point of having no prior programming knowledge, I evolved into a member of a skilled group capable of developing a real-time voice converter. Along this transformative journey, I faced challenges, grappled with errors, experienced stress and exhaustion, and ultimately felt the exhilaration and joy when things worked as intended. Every developer undergoes this growth process.

Both online and face-to-face teaching methods have their merits, but I also acknowledge the indispensable role of self-learning. As graduates of HSUHK, we are not only indebted to the university but also to platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and even ChatGPT, which have been instrumental in our learning. I am immensely grateful for the amazing teachers who graced us with their knowledge, sense of humor, and patience. I firmly believe that possessing this knowledge equips us with a competitive advantage, and it has the potential to intersect with our personal interests and hobbies, opening doors to even greater opportunities.

As we bid farewell to our alma mater, let us embrace the future with optimism and excitement. The knowledge we have acquired and the skills we have honed will undoubtedly pave the way for great days ahead. Here's to the wonderful journey we had at HSUHK and the promising future that awaits us!

WAN Wing Tung

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural and Creative Industries

What comes to your mind when you think of your HSU life? Having Grilled Chicken Combo at "A cafe", discussing group projects in group discussion room and having fruitful lessons are the first three things that came to my mind. I am always thankful that we can enjoy a fruitful and diverse learning experience in our CCI programme. Apart from attending lectures, internship, field trips and public lectures equipped me with knowledge and skills to my future work or studies in the art, culture, and creative fields. One of the memorable experiences would be my internship in Tai Kwun, which is arranged by the CCI programme. Internship is a wonderful opportunity for me to gain hands-on working experience, ranging from conducting research for exhibition, assisting the curator to arrange a display at the Artists' Book Library, helping artists to prepare props and set-up for opening performances. I am sincerely grateful that these explorations are done with the company of my dearest friends, lecturers and professors. They make our journeys much more interesting and never alone.

YAN Zhongyi

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese

Throughout these four years, the Department of Chinese has nurtured me in various aspects. I have benefited not only from academic and practical courses, but also from a wealth of academic talks, extracurricular activities, and other learning resources. The most notable of all was the exchange opportunity to Tsinghua University, where I gained a broader and a more inclusive perspective, to the point that it further stimulated my interest in contemporary literature and women's texts. I am grateful for all the patience, guidance, and support that I have received from my wonderful professors in my study and life. I am proud to say that the countless precious knowledge and experience I have acquired from the BA-CHI programme and from the University have equipped me with the strength and potential to achieve a long-term growth in my academic research and my future career. Thank you for everything! The memories of my voyage here will stay in my heart.

FOK Hiu Lam

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology​

I believe the graduates of this year must have a one-of-a-kind experience in these four years of university life. Under the pandemic situation that slowed down the world, we are not slowing down. We adapted to this new environment and carried on with our studies. We understand the world better with the communication and multi-media production skills we mastered from the programme. Other than adapting to the pandemic conditions, we also have to face the fast-paced development of technology. Our programme allows us to explore the world of advanced technology, utterly equipping us with the skills and techniques needed for our career and future challenges in related industries. And last but not least, teamwork makes dreams work. The memories of working together on projects for meaningful motives with classmates and professors will stay in my mind forever. I wish every graduate a bright and fruitful future.

LAI Hasna Ashfa

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English

My time at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong has been an incredible learning experience, and I am glad to have won the BA-ENG Best Progress Award 2023. As an English major, I've gained invaluable skills for a career in communications, writing, or education. My professors, all experts in literature and linguistics, deliver insightful lectures that spur engaging classroom discussions. I've sharpened my critical thinking abilities through various questions during the lessons and presentations. My writing has improved tremendously through crafting essays for my courses. Beyond academics, I stay busy with extracurricular activities like reading newspapers and intramural sports. I've also made wonderful friends who motivate me to succeed. Although the coursework is demanding, the reward is graduating with proficiency in reading, writing, editing, and a passion for language. My experience at The Hang Seng University has provided me with knowledge and networks that help me thrive in my MSc Education programme at the University of Bristol, as well as my future English- or teaching related careers.

LAM Chung Ling

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) – Accounting Concentration

Throughout my university life, the university provided a nurturing environment that fostered my growth. One of the most memorable experiences of my academic journey was the opportunity to undertake an internship as an Assistant Account intern. This internship allowed me to apply theoretical concepts learned from university to real-world scenarios and provide invaluable insights into the accounting industry. Not only did the internship enhance my technical proficiency, but it also instilled in me a sense of professionalism and adaptability. Moreover, the university became a place where I met people from diverse backgrounds and forged lifelong friendships. Late-night study sessions, shared meals, and navigating challenging projects with friends created a strong bond and left me with countless cherished memories.

BBA-CG_s186877 FUNG Ho Yin v2


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Corporate Governance

Standing on the brink of a new chapter in my life, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the transformative journey I've experienced at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. These years have nurtured growth, learning, and unforgettable memories.

I'm immensely thankful to this esteemed institution where professors aren't just subject masters but also caring mentors. They've expertly guided us through the intricate landscape of corporate ethics and regulations, ensuring our success.

To my fellow graduates, congratulations on your academic journey's successful culmination. As you step into the wider world, remember that the knowledge and skills you've acquired here are your keys to ascending the societal ladder. Approach each opportunity with unwavering determination, and let your education pave the way to your loftiest ambitions. Your time at HSUHK has prepared you for a path brimming with possibilities to make a positive impact!

CHAN Hiu Lam

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Corporate Governance and Compliance

Hello fellow HSUers! My name is Doris, and I recently graduated from HSUHK with a major in corporate governance and compliance and a minor in accounting. I want to take a moment to highlight the incredible career planning and development opportunities our school offers to students. From the Professional Mentorship Programme and Careers Fairs to one-on-one Career Advice sessions and Nomination Schemes, HSUHK provides a wealth of resources to help you succeed. Personally, I have greatly benefited from these opportunities, securing three valuable internship experiences during my time at university. I encourage all of you to regularly check your emails for the latest job postings relevant to your field of interest and to reach out directly to our friendly and supportive lecturers/professors for career advice. They are always willing to help!

YEUNG Chun Cheung

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Financial Analysis

From the very beginning, my professors instilled in me a curiosity that went beyond textbooks. I was blessed with the precious university experiences that shaped both my professional acumen and personal growth. The lectures were more than just about theories. They were inspiring narratives of real-world finance, narrated by our experienced professors. Beyond the academic realm, university life gifted me with friendships, moments of introspection, and impromptu coffee runs with professors. These coffee runs provided an informal setting where professors would generously share their insights, making the vast world of finance feel more approachable and tangible. These memories serve as guiding stars that illuminate my path ahead.

LI Zhibo

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Finance and Banking

Throughout my university journey, I have had the privilege of interacting with numerous distinguished professors who have offered invaluable guidance. Several of these academic relationships have evolved into close friendships that continue after graduation.

I also got the chance to collaborate with numerous innovative and proactive peers, leading to multiple accolades in various student competitions such as student consulting, social innovation challenge, investment, and ESG analysis. The lectures and extracurricular activities have broadened my perspective on the world, fostering a profound understanding of global challenges and reinforcing HSUHK’s motto, which has instilled in me a strong sense of social responsibility.

I am deeply grateful for the exceptional education and invaluable experience that HSUHK has provided me. HSUHK's commendable efforts cultivating future talent capable of addressing society's intricate challenges has been pivotal in shaping my personal and intellectual development. I am committed to employing my skills acquired at HSUHK for future contributions to society.

KONG Hiu Yan

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in General Business

Life is a journey. In the blink of an eye, our journey at HSU comes to an end. During my time at HSU, I have not only gained knowledge but also embraced a constructive philosophy of life. I am grateful to have chosen BBA-GB as my major, as it provided me with an opportunity to acquire interdisciplinary business knowledge and skills. This major has supported me in exploring my potential and stepping into the future where I belong. Despite enduring trials and tribulations due to the pandemic during our university life, I will never forget those who deserve my gratitude. I am extremely thankful to those who taught me well and those who offered me warmth and care. These unforgettable experiences will forever serve as a guiding light in my youth. Congratulations to the class of 2023! All you need to do is believe in yourself. I wish you all the best for the new chapter of your life!

NG Vicky Valerie

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Global Business Management

Congratulations to the extraordinary Class of 2023! Today, we stand on the precipice of a new chapter, armed with the knowledge, skills, and experiences that will shape our futures. We have overcome countless obstacles, embraced challenges, and pushed the boundaries of our capabilities. Our journey has been marked by growth, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. As we reflect on our time together in HSUHK, we cherish the friendships forged, the late-night study sessions, and the moments of triumph and laughter. We owe a debt of gratitude to our dedicated professors, mentors, and families who have nurtured and guided us along the way. Now, as we embark on our individual paths, let us carry the spirit of our alma mater within us – a spirit of curiosity, compassion, and a quest for knowledge. Let us be catalysts for change, advocates for justice, and champions of progress!

KWOK Fong Ping

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Human Resource Management

Throughout my four-year journey at HSUHK, I not only acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for my future career but also experienced numerous acts of kindness from both lecturers and fellow schoolmates.

Reflecting on the past four years, the pandemic has created a distance between students and teachers, but it hasn't diminished the passion of our teachers. They have endeavored to eliminate the obstacles and ensure a smooth learning experience. Additionally, I had the pleasure of meeting lovely friends who provided unwavering support in both academic and personal aspects.

HSUHK has proven to be an excellent institution for acquiring knowledge. The university consistently encourages personal growth, while our teachers and instructors generously share their wisdom and life experiences. These four years have gifted me with countless cherished memories. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to my school, teachers, and fellow schoolmates for creating indelible moments that will forever be etched in my memory.


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management

I am ZHANG Shuyi, a recent graduate with a degree in Management. The first two years of the program encompassed diverse business courses, including Accounting, Finance, and Marketing. We also had the opportunity to take elective courses in other disciplines to expand our knowledge and interests. A key aspect of the Management program was its emphasis on soft skills, with dedicated lessons on leadership being particularly noteworthy. Thus, along with learning knowledge, I have also honed my social competencies. The faculty were extremely responsible and accessible; we often engaged with them in their offices to discuss various issues. Beyond academics, the Business Department organized numerous student activities, such as a joint orientation camp at the beginning of the semester. HSUHK provides myriad platforms for students to enhance their skills for the future, including overseas exchanges, business lectures, mentorship programs, job coaching sessions, and an extensive array of internship opportunities. Despite the challenges, including those posed by the pandemic, my four years at HSUHK have been immensely enriching, endowing me with more than academic knowledge and fostering significant personal growth.

CHUI Hoi Man Hermione

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Marketing

The past four years flew by with us spending most of our university life behind a mask. It could be upsetting to be stuck behind the computer, but we were the ones who could choose how much we achieve.

Looking back, I am proud to say I made the best of it. From being lost in Singapore with my fellow HA buddies, slaying all the group projects with my friends and getting straight A's with them, countless sleepless nights just to make volunteering events work during the pandemic..., these are the moments that I will be treasuring forever.

My four-year journey was of course filled with regrets, but these blemishes were the reasons that made this journey unique. Thank you to HSU, all the professors and lecturers, staff, my greatest friends, and myself, we made the best of it.


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Professional Accountancy

Time has flown by, and I couldn’t believe that I am graduating this year. Throughout my four years in university, I am immensely grateful to our school for providing unwavering support in my personal and academic growth. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the professors who have imparted their knowledge and constantly encouraged me.

Participating in the Honours Academy programme has been the utmost privilege, and the three journeys within it have been truly remarkable. This programme has not only honed my soft skills but also presented me with countless opportunities for exploration. I owe much of my success in university to the support of our team head and the HA staff.

Lastly, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my three closest friends. Our shared experience of studying together for most subjects holds a special place in my heart. Your care and support have been invaluable to me, and without each one of you, my university life wouldn't have been as enriching.

LEUNG Cheuk Yan Elisha

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Supply Chain Management

My university life was marked by memorable moments during nearly three years of online lessons. Despite the challenges of virtual learning, I am grateful for the support of my professors and the friendships I formed during this period.

Throughout my university journey, I have come to realize that nothing in this world is permanent. It is important to remain humble and avoid letting pride consume us. Life is full of ups and downs for everyone. However, every cloud has a silver lining. Accepting failure gives us room to grow. Dwelling on the past won't change anything; it is better to focus on the future and be prepared for whatever comes our way. Success lies in understanding and pursuing our own path rather than chasing the dreams of others.

Let us forge our own path and approach uncertainty with optimism. By staying positive, we attract good things and good people into our lives.


Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours)

After years of late nights at the library, pounding pots of coffee to stay awake in study sessions, and more exams than I care to remember, I've finally made it to graduation day. I've grown in ways I never could have imagined. The professors who seemed so intimidating back then filled me with gratitude for the knowledge and life lessons they imparted.

My friends, who started as strangers and became my second family, the ones who were by my side through every challenge and setback. We did it, together. In HSU, I met great friends from different majors. We discussed social structure, power relation, gender equality, identity and other topics, finding the blind spots that we were used to in life but were actually the result of hegemony. We took practical actions to change ourselves and encourage each other to become better ourselves. This is more uplifting than just getting good grades.

The future is bright and filled with possibility. The work is done, the victory won. The experience at HSU has undoubtedly been a wonderful journey in my life.

PENG Jinxun

Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours)

With a heart full of gratitude, I have graduated from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK). Benefiting HSUHK’s “Liberal + Professional” education model, I have explored connections between various subjects and fields, which made me fortunate to continue my master’s degree at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

I thank HSUHK for providing me with a colourful stage to communicate face-to-face with elites in the city, such as Paralympic bronze medalist - Mr Daniel Chan and prominent political figure - Hon Mrs Regina Ip. I am also grateful to Dr Jack Wu of the BMSIM programme for patiently and tirelessly answering my academic inquiries. I also greatly appreciate all the academic staff I met who spared no effort in providing guidance and assistance. Moreover, I thank S H Ho Wellness College for providing a family-like and warm living environment. I am deeply impressed by the homemade sweet soup and freshly baked cookies that Associate Master - Ms Maggie Wong always hands out during the festivals and examination weeks.

I believe that the valuable experience in HSUHK will definitely guide me to face life positively and be willing to contribute to society in the future.

CHAN Tsz Ching

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance programme provided me with numerous opportunities to explore various avenues and broaden my horizons. One such avenue was internships, which allowed me to gain practical experience and learn knowledge outside the classroom. Additionally, as a residential student leader, I had the privilege of engaging in meaningful interactions with incoming freshmen and residents. It gave me the chance to share my experiences, offer guidance, and foster a strong sense of community within the residential colleges. These interactions not only allowed me to develop essential leadership skills but also provided me with a valuable platform to inspire, support, and positively impact others in their academic and personal journeys.

TANG Sing Lik

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence

Four years of life as a student of BSc-DSBI in The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) has been an amazing and graceful journey of discovery, adventure and joy. I was fortunate to encounter a group of teachers who guided me through the challenges and opportunities in my campus life. They have always been ready to support me throughout my study journey. I also forged lasting friendships with fellow data enthusiasts who inspired me to learn and grow as an individual and a professional. We had countless unforgettable moments together, such as staying up late to finish projects, competing in different contests, and of course, celebrating our triumphs. I appreciate the chance to study at such a distinguished institution and to belong to a lively and diverse community. My university life was more than an academic endeavour. It was also a personal odyssey that moulded me into who I am today. After this four-year journey, the acronym “HSU” acquired a new meaning for me - “had some unforgettable.” Let’s create more unforgettable moments and possibilities in the future, my friends of the Class of 2023!

HO Ho Ching

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Asian Studies

I'm thrilled to be a Social Sciences graduate in Asian Studies Major. I have gained in-depth insights of diverse cultures in Asian societies. The past four years have also been a remarkable journey of self-exploration. Two significant opportunities deeply impacted my development: the Asian Studies Student Research Forum and the Exchange Buddy Program. The Forum not only enhanced my research skills but also allowed me to engage in qualitative research under the close guidance of inspiring professors. This experience was transformative, equipping me with valuable skills for the future. The Exchange Buddy Program enabled me to have interactions with students from the Mainland, Europe, and other parts of Asia, exposing me to many new cultures. This multicultural and international exposure offered me invaluable insights into different ways of living and fostering global friendships and broadened my perspective.

YUEN Wai Ling Riley

Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours)

My personal inclination to indulge in my love for languages, coupled with a reluctance to lose sight of practical realities, drove me to study business translation.

The four years at HSUHK were precious in every way. My education here has provided me with a solid foundation to view the contemporary world through the language glass and build a bilingual bridge for seamless communication. All the teachers of the BTB programme, to whom I will be eternally grateful, all demonstrated their wide erudition and expertise with eloquence.

I was fortunate to have been offered a wealth of opportunities. For example, I interned at a translation company and was entrusted with many translation and interpreting tasks. These experiences, which I hold dear, continue to solidify my belief in the person I aspire to become.

Cheers to the Class of 2023. May your passion lead you to a triumphant future.


LOK Ho Cheong

Executive Master of Science in Insurance

University life is filled with remarkable and gracious memories that have profoundly shaped me. The late-night study sessions, where friendships were forged amidst shared academic challenges, fostered a sense of unity and perseverance. The guidance of passionate professors, who nurtured intellectual curiosity and encouraged critical thinking, left an indelible mark on my academic journey. Graduation day symbolized the culmination of hard work and dedication, with cherished memories of celebrating achievements alongside family and friends. Above all, the support of academic communities and the shared laughter make university life an unforgettable and transformative period of my life.

TSANG Sze Chai, Caleb

Master of Arts in Chinese

HSU is a wonderful place. I am grateful that I finished my bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes offered by the Department of Chinese. All teachers in the Department are kind and helpful. Every time I consulted them after class, they would respond with patience. With the knowledge that I have gained here, I am empowered to face different kinds of challenges in the future. Apart from academic support, I would also like to thank Professor Cheung Kwong Yue, Dr Chen Hung To, and Dr Tan Mei Ah for giving me great guidance for my career planning. Finally, I am honored to become a part of the HSU’s Cantonese debate team in which Dr. Fong Wing Ho has enlightened me in my way of thinking. All of these would not have happened if I had not joined HSU.

MA-ELTA_p223149 ZHANG Mingliang

ZHANG Mingliang

Master of Arts in
English Language Teaching and Assessment

I cannot help but feel immense gratitude for the unforgettable memories at HSU. My time at HSU has been a period of growth and self-discovery. It was MA-ELTA as well as my dedicated and passionate professors that helped me find my direction to success in my academic career.

From the first day on campus, I was welcomed into a community of diverse individuals, all driven by a shared desire for personal development. The friendships I earned during the course sessions, campus events, and group projects will forever hold a special place in my heart. As I reflect on these memories, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences, opportunities, and challenges that have shaped me into a more confident, passionate, and persistent individual.

Finally, I am proud to have graduated from HSU and am excited to embark on the next chapter of my life, armed with the knowledge and skills acquired during my academic journey at HSU!


Master of Arts in
Strategic Communication

Looking back on my postgraduate study career, it has been a journey of not only academic growth but also all-round development. I have had the privilege of meeting many excellent classmates and friends, with whom I have shared countless unforgettable moments. Together, we have studied, explored, and grown, constantly encouraging and supporting each other. I would also like to express my gratitude to the instructors in the School of Communication, who have served as our guides and inspirers on this academic path. They have not only imparted knowledge but also nurtured our overall qualities and professional skills.

On the road ahead, I will continue to work hard with gratitude to my teachers and classmates. No matter where we are in the future, we will remember this valuable experience and use it as a driving force to move forward.

LIU Tian

Master of Arts in
Translation (Business and Legal)

First of all, let me wish all of us a successful graduation!

Although I only spent one brief year studying at HSUHK, I have stored up enough memories to savour for decades to come. In her office, my professor Dr. Anson Wang talked to me about life in Hong Kong and the recent learning situation, which exemplifies the care of the School and the teachers for the students. In the library before the exam, I fortuitously raised my head and witnessed the first hint of vitality brought on by Spring. When not studying, I regarded the swimming pool as the preferred place in which to relax on campus.

May we have more beauty in our memories and take good care of our ideals when we venture into society!

YANG Wuminyue

Master of Arts in Translation (Computer-Aided Translation)

The experience of studying at HSUHK has been a new adventure for me. Here I have gained new learning experiences as well as the opportunity to explore the history and culture of Hong Kong. The professors have been very encouraging, helping me adapt to my life here quickly. We would have tea together and chat and share our favourite restaurants and shows in Hong Kong. Such a close teacher-student relationship was something I had never experienced before in university.

I have had a lot of impressive experiences here in Hong Kong. At the beach on Peng Chau, the moment I turned around I locked eyes with a devil fish that had just leapt out of the water. As a girl born in the Chinese inland, I had never experienced such a wonderous moment before….

I’m very thankful to have been a student here. My time at HSUHK only lasted for one year, but I filled every moment with precious memories.

WEN Zhaoxu

Master of Arts in Theatre Studies

Time flies, one year of study life is over. In addition to learning in the school classroom, for example, we visited the stage in the City Hall to see the theatre's operating system... Even more fortunate is that we had the opportunity to go to Norway and Sweden with our professor to exchange and experience the world; going to University of Oslo and experience the shock of technology restoring a theatre that has become a thing of the past…

After a year of studying at Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, I realise that this Master’s degree would never be the end of my exploration of theatre and humanism. While science seeks the limits of material truth, the humanities and the arts explore the limits of human spiritual needs, love and hate, life and death... Human beings spend their lives searching for a balance between rationality and sensibility. Life is closely linked to the humanities and the arts, and without them mankind would be like a cyborg robot. In the post-industrial era of life dominated by machines, we are more aware that human beings are not precision measuring instruments. We need to voice our opinions, to have love and freedom, and art becomes the carrier of emotions, while words become the outlets of life, and drama amplifies the perception of life. Before AI replaces humans, we need to remember to learn how to love and feel pain, that's the biggest difference between us and AI, that’s the real surge of emotion and free will that countless algorithms can't replicate even in their millions. To me, graduation with a Theatre Studies degree is not a full stop or a comma; it is a semicolon in this period of study and a new beginning. I would like to thank the school and all the professors for showing me the beauty of theatre arts and literature in this short year, and I wish I can see you again in the vast ocean of studies.


Master of Science in
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

As a graduate of the MSc-DSAI Programme at HSUHK, I can confidently say that HSUHK goes above and beyond to support its students' career aspirations. Organizing career fairs and visiting leading IT companies, including Sense Time and Microsoft, provide invaluable networking opportunities and direct access to potential employers.

During my time at HSUHK, I have had the opportunity to take part in a series of wonderful courses such as the Computing with Big Data course, which supports students without any programming background to transition to subsequent challenging courses by providing a solid foundation in programming. Also, the Topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence course on the latest trends in AI broadened my knowledge and skills in this area.

Overall, I am grateful for the incredible experience at HSUHK that provided me with a comprehensive education in data science and AI, along with ample career opportunities, access to industry connections, vibrant campus life, and top-notch facilities.

CHIU Chi Kam Kenneth

Master of Science in
Entrepreneurial Management

It has been one of the best decisions I have made to transform my athlete identity to an entrepreneur. Surprisingly the two identities shared a lot in common and I was inspired to connect the dots. I would like to take this chance to appreciate the scholarships which the School of Business and Hong Kong Athletes' Career and Education Department have granted me. It's my pleasure to be a part of the Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Management programme and it will surely leave a mark on me. Thank you!

SHU Kei Yan

Master of Science in
Global Supply Chain Management

Hello, everyone! My name is Chris, and I'm delighted to share my study journey and I want to tell you about the incredible experience and valuable lessons I've learned along the way. Embarking on a part-time master's degree while working presented its unique set of challenges, but it also offered numerous rewards. One of the most crucial aspects of my study journey was effective time management. Balancing work, coursework, and personal life required careful planning and organization.

Another valuable lesson I learned during my part-time master's degree was the importance of setting realistic goals. With limited time available, it was essential to prioritize my studies and identify achievable milestones, helping me stay motivated and focused. Networking and building relationships with fellow students and faculty members were also instrumental in my study journey. Collaborating with like-minded individuals and leveraging their expertise helped me gain new perspectives and insights.

Lastly, self-discipline and perseverance played a significant role in my school life. Maintaining a strong sense of determination, staying focused on my long-term goals, and reminding myself of the value of my education kept me motivated.

In conclusion, my part-time master's degree journey has been a transformative experience, blending academic growth with professional and personal development. To all of you pursuing your master's degree in part-time mode, remember that your dedication and hard work will pay off. Embrace the challenges, stay focused, and never lose sight of your goals. Last word, best of luck to each of you on your own master's degree journey! Thank you!